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Monday 12 August 2013

4Afrika scholarship: Microsoft targets 1,000 students

The global software giant, Microsoft Corp. in recognition of the International Youth Day, has disclosed that no fewer than 1,000 talented young minds from Africa are expected to benefit from 4Afrika Scholarship program in the first phase of the pilot program beginning November this year.
Similarly, in the* *coming year, Microsoft also announced that it would provide 4Afrika Scholarships to 1,000 youth to pursue associate degrees in computer science and business administration with the first participating higher education institution, University of the People, an online university dedicated to the democratization of higher education which is affiliated with the United Nations, the Clinton Global Initiative, NYU and Yale Law School ISP.
*For talented African students:*
The program introduced today (Monday) by the software giant is part of its 4Afrika Initiative, through which it would provide mentorship, leadership and technical training, certification, university-level education and employment opportunities for promising and talented African students.
Although the number of intake  will increase subsequently, the first set of 4Afrika Scholarship students, the software maker said will begin classes November this year.
Applications for 4Afrika Scholarships to University of the People, according to him can be submitted on the following site: www.uopeople.org/4afrika, while the 4Afrika Scholarship program can also be downloaded http://www.youth4afrika.com.

Cultists kill man in place of brother

Michael deadSuspected cult members have killed a 22-year-old man, Michael Agbo, after destroying his parents’ home in Itaoluwo, a suburb of Ikorodu, Lagos State.
The incident, which took place on August 6, 2013, at 10pm, is currently under investigation at Shagamu Road Division.
PUNCH Metro learnt that on the fateful day, about eight cultists stormed the deceased’s family home, held the occupants hostage, and vandalised the house.
It was also learnt that the cultists, who intended to kill the elder brother of the deceased, Emmanuel Agbo, did not meet him at home.
The cultists were said to have killed the victim in place of his brother.
Our correspondent gathered that the victim’s mother and two other siblings of the deceased were beaten up during the attack.
A relative, who craved anonymity for fear of reprisal, said the culprits ransacked the house, broke the television and seized the phones of the victims so that they would not be able to warn their brother not to come home.
The assailants were said to have waited for Emmanuel in the house, but when Michael came home, they descended on him instead.
The source said Michael was shot from behind, and then slashed with a cutlass.
She said, “The mother of the deceased and two female siblings were at home when the boys stormed it.
“The boys destroyed everything in the house, including the television. They vandalised the kitchen and beat up their mother mercilessly. They seized their phones also.
“When they were leaving the house, Michael, who was the fourth of seven children, returned into the house.
“Immediately he sighted them, he tried to flee, but he was shot from behind. They cut off his right hand and slashed his body with a cutlass.
“The eldest brother, Emmanuel, was not home at the time the incident occurred. He was the one they came for. It was likely he had something to do with those boys. Some of them are known faces around there.”
PUNCH Metro learnt that Michael was rushed to Real Hope Hospital, Ogijo, where he was confirmed dead.
A police source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said no suspect had been arrested.
When contacted on the telephone, the Police Public Relations Officer, Lagos State Command, Ngozi Braide, said she would call back

Landlord Set Six People Ablaze For Smoking Indian Hemp

Six young men accused of smoking Indian hemp and gambling have been set ablaze in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital, by a house owner in their area.
It was learnt that the landlord, identified as Agba, in Ago-Oko area of the town where the incident occurred, had warned the boys on several occasions to desist from their acts, warnings they ignored.
However, on Tuesday night, the boys engaged in their acts in their regular building which infuriated Agba, their neighbour.
The landlord subsequently poured a keg of petrol, through his window on the first floor of a storey building, on the boys.1
The already lighted Indian hemp was flamed by the petrol causing a major fire that burnt the boys causing severe injury. The victims were later rushed to a state hospital where they are currently receiving treatment.
The victims are Saburi Seteolu, Raheem Bello, Tunde Adesanya, Suleiman Adebesin, Azeez Alabi, and Kola Sodehinde.
The landlord, a commercial cab driver in the town, has been arrested as confirmed by the spokesperson of the Ogun State Police Command, Muyiwa Adejobi.
Mr. Adejobi said the incident occurred late on Tuesday. “Information available to us is that the suspect had an argument with the youths before he poured PMS on them in Ago-Oko area.
“For now, we cannot ascertain other circumstances that led to the incident but we have the suspect in our custody and we are working hard to untie what led to it,” he said.
The spokesman said Ogun Police Commissioner, Ikemefuna Okoye, had ordered a comprehensive investigation into the matter. He said the suspect would be charged to court as soon as investigation into the matter was concluded. He also warned youth in the area not to engage in any reprisal attack, saying that could disrupt peace in the are

BBA Beverly Osu Exposes More Of Her Dirty Sex Secrets

Young, spontaneous and excessive are words Big Brother Africa fans relate easily to her. Her stories elicit taunts and laughter from Nigerian viewers. Many waive her off, preferring to call her ‘a disgrace to Nigeria’, without a second thought.
But that is what Beverly Ada Osu has brought upon herself, going into the finale of Africa’s biggest reality TV show. She has given no one reason to think or speak otherwise.
And she has revealed more of her dirty secrets again:
Being real?
Beverly found herself on the wrong side of a love triangle early in the game. Many gave her the benefit of doubt when Ugandan basketballer, Isaac ‘LK4’ Lugude decided to play a fast one on her and South African model Koketso Modibo. But many failed to take that as a hint.
She moved on to Ethiopian student, Bimp, after being shipped off to the Diamond House from the Ruby House. She didn’t need his permission to share his bed: She latched onto him like a leech for her daily survival. But Bimp’s avowed commitment to his girlfriend ensured that he kept the lines of friendship very clear.
When South Africa’s Angelo Collins connected with Beverly at the party zone, it was a case of two housemates finding love on the rebound; and that love which Beverly shares with the dance instructor has seen her throw caution to the winds. After two near mishaps, Beverly finally let go last Friday in Biggie’s bathtub. She became the fourth female Chasemate to made love on live TV, following closely in the footsteps of Betty, Selly and Cleo.

Her many exaggerations

Beverly made ears twinge earlier when she revealed that she was expelled from secondary school. Then she spoke about a ‘thing’ with singer 2Shortz and tongues wagged more. The singer’s rebuttal of any links with her made people have a rethink. Could Beverly be making up her stories? Not long after many discerning fans began to pick holes in her stories. Funny enough, she told many of them to housemates without bothering if she was over-stepping boundaries of decency, tact, fact and truth.
“In Nigeria, I can be walking past a market, and a market woman will stone me,” Bev told Chasemates last week Friday. She claimed a 42-year-old man wanted to marry her after meeting her just for a day, just to buttress an earlier statement: “My mum used to tell me that the guy I will marry, I won’t date for long.”
While confirming that she dropped out of Babcock University, she raised viewers eyebrows with two blatant lies: “I went to the most expensive school in Nigeria. I was a first-class material before dropping out of school, not because I don’t have the brain.” Many can easily attest to the fact that Igbinedion University’s fees dwarf that of Babcock and many a first-class student can spell difference without blinking.
If you still care you can read through these random sensational picks: “Flirting is in my genes,” she told Angelo. “I have over 16 Bibles,” she also told housemates. She claimed that popular singer Omawumi Megbele was her best friend. That was after she let out that a journey from Nigeria to Ghana by road took between 2-3hours. For Beverly, the Nigeria naira exchanges at a N100 to $1: “I told him [one of her ex boyfriends] that I would charge N100,000, that’s about a $1,000!”
Her loose tongue
Beverly’s stories have no boundaries and respect. “My grandmother speaks Ibo and doesn’t speak English very well. She is an illiterate!” Her mother’s dealings in life are in the open. From revealing that her 52-year-old mother carried drugs, she claimed that she was also an alaiye (mother of street urchins), and spoke boldly of how her mother took one young man to the cleaners with the help of her brothers. Hmmm…
She told Elikem on Monday: “My first boyfriend was Frank Okosa. He was 18 and in SS2, I was 15 in SS3. He was the first to made love with me.” She went ahead to reel out a list of her many boyfriends after Okosa: CJ, Nosa (32yrs), Rukkie (35yrs), Special (32yrs) and Curtis (28yrs). To justify her many men, she gave a lame excuse: “All my ex were over-protective and they took me for granted.” If she had stopped there it would have been very unlike her. But she dropped another bombshell for Elikem, the listening ear: “I can’t make love except I am high.”
On Wednesday, Beverly still wanted to have a say, as long as any housemate made a comment. So, when Namibia’s Dillish Matthews disclosed that her mother’s birthday was August 14, Beverly jumped in, “my mum’s birthday is tomorrow.”
Beverly’s many tales coupled with her bathtub escapade with Angelo is not doing her any favours with the fans. But if she can avoid the possible eviction nomination list next week, she will be in the annals of Big Brother Africa history books as the only Chasemate who made the grand finale without being nominated for 11weeks. If her name comes up next week, it would be safe to say even at this time that she may never make it to the finale, Nigerian or not!

Dead’ Man Wakes Up, Grabs Bottle Of Water At Own Funeral

Onlookers were shocked when a man, who was said to be dead, suddenly got up and grabbed a bottle of water.
The soft drink vendor in China faked his own death in order to sue the government after an altercation with government employees.
But his cover was blown when he became too hot in the Hubei Province, in central China. The heat was too much for him to bear
The incident occurred around 4:00 pm, when more than 10 men held the “corpse” on a gurney covered with a white sheet near the Jianghan Road subway station in the provincial capital of  Wuhan.
The men protested and claimed that the government workers had beaten the vendor to death and they demanded tens of thousands of yuan in compensation.
More than 300 people gathered at the scene, and 80 police officers were sent to the scene to maintain order.
After two hours of protest, the “dead” man suddenly stood up, grabbed a bottle of water and drank it before saying: “It’s too hot. I cannot take it anymore.”
According to Human Rights Watch, many Chinese cities employ non-criminal law enforcement personnel called chengguan who work independently from police. Their job is to monitor citizens compliance with sanitation, traffic, and environmental laws.
The group is not very popular with the Chinese public after a series of high-profile violent incidents involving chengguan members. In the latest incident, six chengguan members were detained after a fruit seller in Hunan died after the group hit him on the head amid an altercation.
The “dead” man, whose surname is Han, along with two others have, been arrested for disorderly conduct. After being detained, Han told police that chengguan members clashed with vendors early in the day after claiming that their carts were blocking traffic. They told the vendors to leave before confiscating their mineral waters and other beverages.

Man burnt to death for impregnating mother, daughter

The university town of Nsukka in Enugu State has witnessed yet another brutal death as a tipper driver who allegedly impregnated a widow and her daughter has reportedly been burnt to death by son of the widow, Sunday Ugwoke.
Vanguard gathered that the tipper driver, Sylvester Ezema, attached to  Ferguson Nig. Limited hailed from Akpa Edem, Nsukka Local Government  Area, Enugu State and shared a common fence boundary with his widowed lover, Mrs. Ugwoke.
Report said he had been having amorous dealings with the woman’s daughter too unknown to the widow before he died  a few days ago.
According to report, Sylvester was allegedly burnt to death by Sunday, who had warned him to leave his mother alone and stop making love with her in his late father’s bedroom, which is adjacent to his room, a warning the  deceased allegedly turned down and continue with his amorous act.
Vanguard gathered that Sylvester defied all the warnings by Sunday, saying the widow was a family friend and as such nobody would  suspect them.
Having defied his warning, Sunday, armed with grind pepper and petrol ambushed the lover boy. As Sylvester stepped out of the house, Sunday poured the  grind pepper and petrol on Sylvester and  set him ablaze.

Sunday 11 August 2013

15 foods to avoid if you want six pack abs

Black man office exercise
To build abs you need to cut down on calories. So consume low fat milk and avoid whole milk due to its high calories.
There are some foods that you must avoid if you want six pack abs.
Generally, we tend to consume these foods out of laziness and availability, but you can’t be careless when you’re working on your six pack. We have listed the foods that you should avoid if you want a toned defined midsection.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #1
Whole milk:
To build abs you need to cut down on calories. So consume low fat milk and avoid whole milk due to its high calories.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #2
Commercial peanut butter:
Peanut butter is one of the best foods you can consume if you want to build muscle, due to its high protein content. Peanut butter is also a great post workout snack. But try and avoid consuming commercial peanut butter. The packaged and ready-to-eat peanut butter is rich in fats, calories and additives.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #3
Diet foods:
In order to build muscle, it is important to have a balanced diet which includes carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Diet foods and diet meal plans prevent you from consuming a balanced diet. Plus there is an urge to consume far more calories when you are on a diet.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #4
Crackers are recommended for good digestion, but they are prepared with refined flour and sugar, both of which are not good for building muscle.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #5
High fructose corn syrup:
This is the main ingredient in several processed foods, but this sugar has a different method of processing in the body compared to regular sugar. It doesn’t have nutritional benefits and does nothing for building muscle.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #6
Processed cheese:
There is a different between fresh organic cheese and processed cheese. The worst enemy for building abs is processed cheese – it lacks nutritional value, contains fats, salts and excess calories.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #7
Processed starch food:
Potatoes are rich in starch, which is healthy. But processed starch has no nutritional value and loads of calories. Avoid processed starchy food to build abs without gaining weight.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #8
This again is a processed food and rich in calories and fats. Stay away from processed meats like bacon, sausages and salami if you want toned and defined abs.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #9
Artificial sweetener:
Artificial sweeteners have no nutritional value and get you addicted to sugar and junk food. These sweeteners make you gain weight and prevent you from developing abs.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #10
High sugar breakfast cereals:
Breakfast cereals that have additional flavours and artificial sweeteners only increase weight. Instead, buy wholegrain healthy cereals.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #11
Ice cream:
It may be a tempting way to cool off, but it can prevent you from building abs. Ice cream is rich in calories, artificial sweeteners and flavours.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #12
Refined flour:
Unlike flour sourced from wholegrain, refined flour lacks nutritional value. Refined flour increases your sugar levels and increases the storage of fat in the body.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #13
It is popular snack and can be addictive, but donuts are unhealthy as they contain refined sugar and flour. Hence, donuts make you gain weight by storing fat.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #14
This is cheaper than butter, but margarine is unhealthy and makes you gain weight. It is rich in calories and is closely linked to cholesterol related health problems.
Muscle building: Worst foods for abs #15
Trans fat:
Trans fat is LDL and increases fat in your body. Consuming fast food can reduce your chances of developing abs and increase your chances of developing heart problems. Obesity is also linked to the consumption of trans-fat along with a sedentary lifestyle

Jealous rage: Woman almost bites off police officer’s genitals

A police officer in Ndola is nursing serious injuries after his genital organ was nearly ripped off by his wife after a fight in Chifubu Police Camp.
And the condition of Ndola magistrate Ben Akende, who was stabbed by his wife after a domestic dispute, is stable.
The police officer, who has been identified as Douglas Muyangwe from the mobile police unit, sustained a deep cut on his organ and has since been taken to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka for specialist treatment.
Though Copperbelt police chief Mary Tembo declined to comment on the matter, Ndola Central Hospital spokesperson Sheona Chalimbana confirmed that Mr Muyangwe had been referred to UTH.
Mr Muyangwe reported the matter to Chifubu Police Station where it was recorded that he had a deep cut suspected to have been caused by human teeth.
According to an eyewitness who declined to be named, Mr Muyangwe was having a drink at Chifubu Police Club where he was followed by his wife, Anastasia.
While there, Anastasia saw his husband’s former girlfriend also drinking from the same club, a move which prompted the reaction and a fight erupted with her husband.
Despite being restrained by some onlookers, Anastasia reached for her husband’s private parts before some people managed to separate them as the man bled profusely.
Mr Muyangwe was taken to Ndola Central Hospital in blood-stained trousers and was later referred to UTH.
UTH spokesperson Mwenya Mulenga said he was not aware about the case as he was out of town.
Meanwhile, Magistrate Akende who was stabbed by his wife Getrude after a domestic quarrel is stable.
Ms Chalimbana confirmed in Ndola yesterday that Mr Akende was admitted to the acute award.
“Mr Akende’s condition is stable and is admitted to the acute (ward),” she said.
Mr Akende, 51, was stabbed twice in his chest and stomach by his wife on Thursday during a quarrel at their home in Kansenshi residential area in Ndola.
Ndola District investigations officer Martin Chilando, who confirmed the incident on Friday, said the fight started around 23:00 hours, while other family members were sleeping. The magistrate shouted for help and rescued by his nephew.
His wife Getrude has been detained at Kansenshi Police Station and was expected to be charged with unlawful wounding.
Ms Akende sustained some injuries on the forehead and chest and was also expected to go for medical treatment yesterday.

“I just believe it’s natural”: Meet the mum who still breastfeeds her 5-year-old son (PICTURED)

Milky way: Sam feeding tot Ethan and sis Claire, Trevor cuddles mum
Milky way: Sam feeding tot Ethan and sis Claire, Trevor cuddles mum

Top mum Samantha Williams ­is a firm believer that breast is best and she feeds three of her children that way – ­including a son who is five, the Sunday People reveals today.
Samantha, 42, normally tandem feeds, meaning two at a time. So her five-year-old boy Trevor or daughter Claire, three, will latch on at the same time as seven-month-old Ethan.
She is talking about her natural ­methods in the light of the revelation the Duchess of Cambridge is breastfeeding her new son Prince George.
Samantha sees it as a step forward. She said: “It will do more to promote breastfeeding than anything that could be said by every doctor or parenting expert in the whole country.”
Sadly, IT worker Samantha has come up against ignorance.
Friends and family have criticised her, claiming the older kids should have stopped years ago. She has even been confronted by ­waitresses when feeding in ­restaurants.
She said: “I’ve heard it all. People have asked me to leave the table or go elsewhere to breastfeed many times. Or I’ve been asked to feed in toilets where women are using the next cubicle. A waitress would never ask me to go eat in the toilet, so why should my child?
“I don’t cover myself with a ­blanket. I just feed them. I’m not trying to make a point – I just believe it’s natural.
“People think we’re weird and we’re setting our kids up to be weird. They think the normal thing is for the mum to cut the kids off at around the age of one and be done with it. I’ve been told the kids will be too ­attached to me for their own good.
“And some people think I’m being selfish – that I can’t let go of my
babies. I ask them if they really think you can force a child to breastfeed if they don’t want to?
“You can’t really force a child to do anything after about 18 months, let alone latch on to a breast. It’s their choice and they love it.”
She said: “The older two will always feed at the same time as the baby. Sometimes they tell me the milk tastes like a chocolate or strawberry milkshake, other times it’s white milk with sugar.
“They eat a wide range of food like any other kids their age, so can identify what the milk tastes like. I’m not saying kids who aren’t breastfed this long can’t be the same – of course they can.
“I can say for certain I haven’t done them any harm and I really hope I have done them a lot of good.”
The NHS is keen to stress the health benefits of breastfeeding to mother and child. Yet it saw the number of new mums breastfeeding in 2012 decline 5,700 from 2011, the first fall in a decade.
Nearly seven in 10 mums exclusively breastfeed at birth but by three months that is down to 17 per cent.
Samantha said: “I know some ­people find our choices strange.
“I never intended to breastfeed for so long. I simply felt it was a bit cruel and unfair to just cut the older ones off when it brings so many emotional and physical benefits.”
Sam Williams feature
Healthy: Sam holds Trevor, baby Ethan and Claire
 She said: “I’d never judge another mum for her choosing not to breastfeed but this choice has been fantastic for our family.”
A Department of Health study found children who were breastfed were better adjusted and skilled at ­getting on with others.
Samantha said: “They’re very ­attached to me but they also have a very close bond with my husband Eddie and each other. And they love to socialise with others.
“They are incredibly healthy. They don’t have any allergies. They have strong immune systems and none of them are overweight. If they get sick, they snap back to health quickly.”
Production manager Eddie, 48, said: “It doesn’t bother me what anyone else thinks – this is right for our family and that’s what matters.
“Breastfeeding itself is completely natural. It’s cheaper than buying loads of formula. It’s good for the child. It’s nature’s perfect food.
“As for doing it on an extended basis – why not? It doesn’t bother me in the slightest. If you like a food and it’s not harmful – eat it. What’s the problem? Trevor will occasionally come into our bedroom, he’ll see the baby breastfeeding and think, ‘I fancy a bit.’
“It’s not like he’s having it for breakfast, dinner and tea.
“He’s got a normal diet for a five year old. Sometimes he likes to do something that is really friendly and cosy and makes him feel close to his mum.
“And, by the way, it tastes nice. I can’t see a single negative effect it’s had on the children. Sam is a very caring mum. She’s ­raising our kids in a healthy, positive way.”
The couple use a style of parenting where they aim to be sensitive to their children’s needs.
The older kids don’t feed in public – a choice they made for themselves.
“I think they must have realised it was something other kids their age weren’t doing publicly,” Samantha said.
“Trevor breastfeeds maybe once a week. He’s nearly ready to give it up.
Sometimes he just wants a taste, other times he just wants to know he’s still one of my babies. Claire feeds about once a day. I never encourage them. I follow the ‘don’t offer, don’t refuse’ method. I only feed when they ask for it.
“I would like to encourage mums to learn more about it for themselves and not to worry about society judging them for doing something that is perfectly healthy and natural.”
Samantha is sure feeding has not distrupted her lifestyle. She said: “I have the odd glass of wine but obviously I have to be sensible. And of course I get tired but so does every mum with three young kids.
“I don’t struggle to produce enough milk. During the last two pregnancies my body produced a bit less, which is normal. But afterwards enough came back in so I could feed all three.”
Samantha, of Newport, Gwent, wants other breastfeeding mums to know they are not alone. “I know some people may find us strange,” she said.
“But I’m really proud of my family and I’m not ashamed of what we do. I hope my story can help empower mothers. I’m thinking of them, not the few silly people who will find be offended by it.
“A support group where I spent time with other breastfeeding mums was really helpful. The more I looked into it the more benefits I found – less ­obesity, asthma, eczema, ­allergies. For mothers the ­benefits are ­decreased rates of breast cancer and ­ovarian cancer.
“But I do it mostly for the ­children. All mums do the best they can for their kids.

Rich, Famous But Yet To Be Married

Money is not the problem, but the problem is who to marry. As a celebrity, you are faced with challenges of finding the right person to hook you up because of the temptation one faces everyday. But for these celebrities, they are just one of those things in the industry and don’t care if one speaks ill about them or not because that’s what makes them.
Though, some like Omawumi was reported to have molested a photo journalist recently, the truth is what prompted that? Because in a recent interview, the sonorous musician stated that people are nosing too much on her personal life and she detests it. So, who and what are they in relationship with? Why are they not married even as they are getting older? Though some have children others are yet to ponder for one or so it seems. Here are six out of the numerous celebrities that have never said “I Do” and might take longer  to do 
Rita Dominic
This member of the Royal Waturuocha family of Aborh Mbaise local government area of Imo State just marked her 38th birthday. She is the youngest of four siblings. She holds a  Bachelors Degree in Theatre Arts  (1999) and starred in over 100 Nollywood productions.  She won the City People Awards in 2004 as the Most Outstanding Actress. And had been rumoured to have dated Jim Iyke and some few notable faces. She has achieved everything that a woman should achieve but has not been hooked-up by anyone yet. Maybe, she doesn’t want to be seen as one of those break-ups in the industry or she feels she could take care of herself. But as an African woman, the right thing to do is to get hooked-up by a man. But how soon?

Genevieve Nnaji
In a recent picture, Genevieve Nnaji steps out with her 15 year old daughter, Chimebuka at a private event in a very rare scenario. Reports say Chimebuka lived with her parents for years, but ‘has a solid relationship’ with her mother. No one Knows who her father is, and she will not say, in spite of lingering speculations and interests. Nnaji is from Imo State, but grew up in Lagos, Nigeria. She is the fourth of eight children and was brought up in a middle class environment. While at the university, Genevieve began auditioning for acting jobs amongst the many Nollywood projects. She has been a single mother even when she was rumoured to be dating D’banj. But on the contrary, she is still waxing stronger and making ‘big cash’ on endorsement and movies. Would she ever get married as a single mother? Time will tell!

Since the Kokomaster, D’banj, made a public confession that he’s still single and looking for a good woman to make his wife, Olufamous.com reliably gathered that actress Genevieve Nnaji has been making frantic efforts to get back into the arms of the super star.
According to an insider in D’banj’s camp, Genevieve and D’banj never really had a quarrel but that she was complaining too much because of the many ladies around him. D’banj, he said, got tired of her drama and simply ignored her. Now she wants to come back by all means...Genny just clocked 34 and it’s obvious she can’t just settle with any guy from the street corner; her man has to be someone with some level of ‘class’. It was gathered  that she made contacts with D’banj at least three times in the last days of April but D’banj is still having some reservations.
One of his concerns, the source told Olufamous.com, is that Genny is too nosy and always wants to know everything going on. D’banj is the cool type who doesn’t like talking too much. So, will the Kokomaster still settle down with Genny or will he still continue to dance the “Koko” while waiting for the right woman?

When the news broke that Waje was dating MI, she was not quick to rebuff it as she said in an interview with Entertainment Express “There is nothing to say about it really. We first met when I was in Enugu and he came for a show. When we met in Lagos, we hooked up and we have been doing stuffs together musically”. The word stuff might also mean something else aside the music business. “He is somebody who is very passionate about his music and I like him for that.
“I think it’s just what you media guys started. We are just friends, and maybe, you guys wanted a Nigerian version of Jay Z and Beyonce, so they just hooked us up by themselves.
“Even if we are dating, is it something I would tell the world?” She asked. So, if MI is dating a single mother like Waje and both profess love for each other, why not do the right thing and get married? Well, we hope to see the end.

Though her fans love her voice and are crazy about her, she’s a single mother and some could not hide their curiosity over the father of her baby.
In an interview with Thisday Entertainment contributor, SeunApara, she said that her child’s paternity is not hidden and would do everything to protect her family.
“I never hid my child’s paternity but I felt that since I’m not married, I don’t need to come out and say this is the father of my child. It is always ideal for someone who wants to marry you to be the one to identify himself. Another thing is that he might not want to identify himself because he is not an artiste. He might not want that part of my life. He might just love me and my child. So I like to respect people’s privacy.
“My family and my close friends know who the father of my child is because we’re in a relationship. We have a very healthy relationship and our families are intertwined. I don’t think I need to start telling people all this.
“I feel so bad about the stories people are writing about my child’s paternity because normally, controversies don’t get to me and my daughter doesn’t have to be part of this. So, when people start putting that kind of stuff in prints and my daughter stumbles on it when she is old enough to read, it will hurt her.

Jim Iyke
This young energetic movie star, musician and business man sees nothing wrong with a Nigerian woman kissing and loving up other men in a movie. He is also a man full of controversy with numerous ladies lining up as if going for a pageant. There was a time it was rumoured that the actor is getting married to his Jamaican Fiancee, Keturah Hamilton, and until now, nothing had been heard. He and Ghanaian actress, Nadia Buari are now rumoured to be dating and some fans have been asking  why don’t they get married? Will he get married soon or will he continue his ‘bad boy’ role as he said “no vacancy.”

10 Celebrities Born in Other Countries (You’ll Be Surprised!)

When we watch celebrities take on movie roles, star on our favourite TV shows or perform on stage, you sometimes don’t realise that they may not have been born and raised in the country that many people assume they are from. Check out just 10 of the most shocking celebrity birth places as 360NEWSNOW brings you from International Village -- and many will definitely catch you by surprise.
Emma Watson
From her British accent to her role in the Harry Potter series, many believe that Emma Watson was born and raised in England, but the beautiful Brit was actually born in Paris. After her parents divorced when Emma was 5, she moved to Oxfordshire, England, with her mother and brother and that is where her acting career took off.

Charlize Theron
With her impeccable American accent, it’s hard to believe that Charlize Theron’s first language is actually Afrikaans (South African) The blonde bombshell was born in Benoni, South Africa, where she lived and worked on a farm tending to livestock. When she won a Johannesburg modeling contest at the age of 16, it was history from there as she travelled and ended up in Los Angeles.
Dave Matthews
Singer Dave Matthews is actually from Johannesburg, South Africa. The family moved to New York when Dave was 2. After the death of his father, 10-year-old Dave and his family moved back to Johannesburg. To avoid South Africa’s military service, the family returned to America after Dave completed high school, this time residing in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Mila Kunis
Who knew that whiny Jackie from That ‘70s Show is actually from Chernobyl, Ukrain! At age 7, Mila Kunis immigrated to the United States with her family and lived in Los Angeles, where her career in acting began.
Mischa Barton
For those of us who watched Marissa Cooper on The O.C., it’s hard to believe that Mischa Barton didn’t grow up in sunny Orange County (especially since she nailed the accent!). However, the actress was born in Hammersmith, West London. At the age of 6, her father’s job brought them to N.Y.C. where she performed on the Broadway stage before transitioning to TV and film.
Keanu Reeves
With a half-Chinese and half-Hawaiian father, and an English mother, it’s impossible to guess that The Matrix actor was born in Beirut, Lebanon. When Keanu Reeves was 2, he moved to the Big Apple with his mother and sister, after his parents split. The trio later settled in Toronto.
Natalie Portman
Those who know the meaning behind the name Natalie Portman chose for her son, Aleph (which is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet), can guess where the Oscar-winning actress hails from. Born in Jerusalem, Israel, Natalie’s parents immigrated to the United States when she was a toddler. They lived in Washington, D.C., for a bit, then settled on Long Island where she was discovered at a local pizza parlour.
Anna Paquin
Although Anna Paquin is known as a New Zealand actress, she was actually born in Winnipeg, Canada. The True Blood star and her family moved to New Zealand when she was 4. It’s a good thing they did. With no acting experience, Anna beat out hundreds of girls for her first movie role, The Piano, for which she won an Oscar at age 11.
Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix is known for being a bit wacky (remember when he faked being crazy?), and his childhood was no different. The Master actor was born in Puerto Rico and moved frequently at a young age through Central and South America with a cult. At age 4, his family broke free and started their new lives in Los Angeles.
Gene Simmons
Gene Simmon’s mother, a Hungarian Jew and Holocaust survivor, headed to Israel at the end of WWII. There she gave birth to Chaim Witz (Gene’s birth name). His parents split soon after his birth and the singer moved to Flushing, Queens, with his mother at age 8. Soon after arriving in New York, he changed his name to Gene Simmons.

Tragedy: One woman killed as truck crushes 6 vehicles in Abuja (PHOTOS)

Abuja truck
by Akan Ido
It was a gory sight yesterday at Biaji Road in Kubwa, Abuja as a heavy-duty truck lost control killing one woman and injuring many others.
The truck reportedly rammed into the woman who was said to have been trying to board a commercial motorcycle (popularly known as Okada) killing her on the spot.
Witnesses say the woman’s body parts were scattered all over the scene of the accident which was said to have been attributed to brake failure.
An eyewitness who craved anonymity said, “The car was coming from Biaji to Kubwa Village and was loaded with beer but if not because of these bumps (speed breakers) the truck would have rammed into the residential building and kill many people.
“The woman wanted to climb a motorcycle but was hit from behind by the truck, and the okada man escaped unhurt,” he said.
The accident involved sic cars which were parked by the side of the road close to a relaxation joint. The vehicles involved include a Toyota Carina 11,  Gulf 3, Saloon Jeta,  Mercedes Benz (230), Nissan Sunny and a Toyota Rav 4.
Officials of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) and Nigerian Police were seen at the scene of the accident collating necessary information on how the accident occurred.
See more photos below:

- [Photos: H/T SaharaReporters}

The unluckiest man in the world: Meet the Apple founder who missed out on $35 BILLION after selling his shares for $800

Ron Wayne was one of the three original founders of Apple in 1976, along with Steves Wozniak and Jobs. Forty-two at the time, Wayne provided much-needed adult supervision in a company of young creatives.
Wayne drew the first Apple logo, wrote the three men’s original partnership agreement, and wrote the Apple I manual, but his name is virtually unknown, and in the new Ashton Kutcher biopic of Steve Jobs, his role in the tech giant’s past is glossed over.
Wayne, 79, hopes Jobs will reveal that the late design genius’ darker side – a side Wayne clashed with and which eventually resulted in him selling his share of Apple for $800.
No regrets: Ron Wayne today at his home in NevadaNo regrets: Ron Wayne today at his home in Nevada says he wouldn’t change his decision to leave Apple
Founder: Ron Wayne in 1976, the year he, Jobs and Wozniak founded a tech company called AppleFounder: Ron Wayne in 1976, the year he, Jobs and Wozniak founded a tech company called Apple
In this exclusive interview, Wayne lifts the lid on the true nature of the iconic American innovator Jobs, who almost single-handedly turned the electronic firm into a billion-dollar empire.
Wayne says Jobs, though often viewed as a great public speaker, was socially awkward and manipulative.
‘If you had your choice between Steve Jobs and an ice cube you would nestle up to the ice cube for warmth. It was essentially his way or the highway in many of his business decisions,’ Wayne says.
‘He was focused and had a determined attitude. If he had some place he wanted to be, the last place you wanted to be was between him and it, because you would have a footprint on your forehead!’
Wayne founded Apple Computer alongside 21-year-old Jobs and 25-year old Steve Wozniak on April 1, 1976. The three worked together at Atari.
Not even two weeks later, Wayne relinquished his 10 per cent stock share of the company for just $800. Had he retained his company shares, they would be worth $35 billion today.
‘I made a decision that allowed me to pursue my interest. I honestly don’t regret walking away at all,’ Wayne said.
‘I knew the Wozniak design for a personal computer was going to be a successful product. But who could have anticipated it would be what it is today?
‘If I had stayed with Apple and accepted the limitations on my philosophy of life I could have well ended up the richest man in the cemetery. I was in my 40s, these kids were whirlwinds. It was like having a tiger by the tail.’
Bio: Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs in the new biopic about the former Apple CEOBio: Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs in the new biopic about the former Apple CEO
Empire: Despite his experience with the company, Ron Wayne doesn't own any Apple productsEmpire: Despite his experience with the company, Ron Wayne doesn’t own any Apple products
Clips from the trailer of the movie show how Wayne’s engineer pal Wozniak built a home computer by hooking up circuits to his TV set. Jobs had the vision then to work that technology into what would become the Macs and laptops of today. Wayne’s role was to be the intermediary between the two innovators.
Wayne left Apple after he felt that Jobs’ decision to splash over a $1500 on parts for a product was ill-advised. In the next few years, Jobs and Wozniak invited him back to rejoin the firm, but Ron had decided he wanted to make it big in slot machines.
‘My passion was not in computers, but slot machines. It was a handicap that I didn’t realize I had no business sense. I learned that when I went into business building slot machines instead,’ he admits.
Early design: Ron Wayne still owns sketches of some of Apple's blueprints that were the blueprints for the Macs and laptops the company became famous forEarly design: Ron Wayne still owns sketches that were the blueprints for the Macs and laptops the company became famous for
Around the world Jobs is viewed as a pioneer of modern technology, who had an easy-going nature and dry sense of humour. However, through their earliest dealings he noticed that Jobs was an argumentative man prone to losing his temper.
Unrecognizable: A design for an Apple logo Wayne created for the company back in 1976Unrecognizable: A design for an Apple logo Wayne created for the company back in 1976
‘He was a volatile man, definitely excitable,’ Wayne recalls.
‘Jobs had a temper and he was a very serious person because he wanted work done instantly. He would argue with you or he would walk out of the room if he didn’t get his way.
‘He had a point of view and he never bent from that, unless you came out with one damn good argument. And that was difficult because he had a steel trap mind.’
In 2003, Job was diagnosed with a rare and less aggressive form of pancreatic cancer called pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer. But rather than immediately remove the tumor growing on his pancreas, Jobs kept a strict vegan diet with large quantities of fresh carrot and fruit juices.
Add to that a regime of acupuncture, frequent bowel cleansings and hydrotherapy.
Jobs continued seeking alternative diets and medicines for a further nine months against the advice of doctors and his family.
Wayne says this was typical of Jobs, who always believed that he knew better that everyone else – even his doctors.
‘Jobs was a stubborn man. The things he believed in, he believed absolutely. In many cases you could not convince him to the contrary.’It wasn’t until a CAT scan revealed that the tumor had grown and possibly spread that Jobs underwent surgery in 2004. He lost his battle with cancer in 2011 and Wayne believes that it was his stubbornness and focus on building Apple that cost him his life aged just 56.
‘Rather than go to the doctor, Jobs wanted to treat the situation himself. The things that were important to him he knew and understood and had mastery of, but if it didn’t fit into his mind then he considered it trivia,’ says Wayne.
Despite a premature end to his life, Wayne believes Jobs would be happen with his lasting legacy.
‘I think he found peace. He did exactly what he wanted in his life. He got the result and was fully satisfied with his achievement,’ Wayne says.
Mementos: Wayne owns early sketches and blueprints from Apple's very first yearsMementos: Wayne owns early sketches and blueprints from Apple’s very first years
1976: Ron Wayne left Apple in 1976 due to disagreements with Steve Jobs. By 1977, sales were already at $2.7 millionBig decision: Ron Wayne left Apple in 1976 due to disagreements with Steve Jobs. By 1977, sales were already at $2.7 million
‘I don’t think he imagined it would be this big. He’s left behind a psychological imprint that will ensure Apple continues to be innovative long after his death.’
‘After he came back the first time he fell ill, he made sure he built a team that shared his philosophical approach to what is done.
‘You eventually reach a point where the company has such momentum of its own.’
While Jobs appeared to be a cool, calm operator, in his 20s he was unsure that Apple would work. He took Ron aside as he panicked about whether his computer dreams would work, or if he would end up a broke failure.
‘He asked me if he should go ahead with the Apple enterprise because there were a lot of things he wanted to do… I said, “Go ahead do the Apple thing… But it is a risk in that when you have made a lot of money, don’t forgot what you wanted the money for.” He forgot,’ he says.
‘I think he became so enamored with the job of making money, the job itself became the driving force. I don’t think the money mattered to him as much as playing the game became the driving force of his life.’
Big plans: Ron Wayne wrote the Apple I manual but left the company when it was on the cusp of huge successBig plans: Ron Wayne wrote the Apple I manual but left the company when it was on the cusp of huge success
Despite his drive and hunger to make money, Wayne says Jobs was relaxed about his personal style – and hygiene.
According to Wayne, Atari co-workers often moaned the young innovator stank and appeared unkempt as he refused to wear deodorant, shower or clean daily.
‘Jobs was an extremely casual person,’ Wayne says. ‘He never went to a tailor as his clothes never fit properly. His neck was not big and he always wore big collars too large. He was never a clothes horse. He cared about what he was doing only. He didn’t have diddly care about any of that stuff.
‘When he came back from a trip to India he looked emaciated and had suffered from many illnesses. He had very little regard for his health and how he looked or appeared to others.’
Wayne eventually took a break from the design world to open a stamp store near his home in Southern California.
‘It took me a year to build a clientele. But I had a couple of break-ins and bought a pistol to protect myself. But when I thought about what I would do with it if I needed to use the gun, I closed the shop and worked from home.’
Wayne then moved to a division of Japanese company STS working on computer modems as chief draughtsman.
Life's a gamble: Designing slot machines was always Ron Wayne's passionLife’s a gamble: Designing slot machines was always Ron Wayne’s passion
His story: Ron Wayne pictured with a copy of his autobiography, for which Steve Wozniak, to whom he's still close, wrote the forwardHis story: Ron Wayne pictured with a copy of his autobiography, for which Steve Wozniak, to whom he’s still close, wrote the forward
He was poached by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as a model-builder to create industrial facilities. He spent two years building a fusion nuclear reaction plant model, but again disaster struck.
‘I would be still with them today, but when they offered me a job and asked where I had got my university degree that was the end because I didn’t have a college education.’
Wayne ended up at Thor Electronics in 1982, where he took on the role of chief designer before he retired in 1999. He says his proudest achievement was designing a cable box for Navy Seals helping them communicate more effectively with a communications box in a war zone.
After his topsy-turvy career, Ron retired to Ormond Beach in Florida, buying a supersized mansion with a swimming pool, games room, three-car garage and workshop.
Soon after, he suffered another blow of tragic luck.
‘One day someone broke into my safe in my garage and took my life savings. My life savings had been in metal – 145 ounces in gold and vast amount of collectors coins.
‘I couldn’t get insurance on gold, the coins or cash. I had to sell the house to recover and I moved to Nevada. It was hard and I suffered a terrible loss.
‘But I took the approach that I would not make myself sick over it as well. I am 79 and doing well in terms of psychological and mental health. I do not let these things affect me… It is a matter of self control and how much you are willing to spend on emotional response,’ he says.
Reflecting on his career, Ron says, ‘Every time I have worked as a business man it has been flaming disaster. I was not prepared to make it at Apple. I always hoped that I would meet a character like Jobs who was more compatible to what I wanted to do with my life. I prefer people more personable.’
Hollywood story: The big-budget biopic of Steve Jobs starring Ashton Kutcher (pictured) glosses over Ron Wayne's role in Apple's beginningsHollywood story: The big-budget biopic of Steve Jobs starring Ashton Kutcher (pictured) glosses over Ron Wayne’s role in Apple’s beginnings
Jobs and Wayne followed their separate paths until 2000, when Wayne received a call from Jobs out of the blue inviting him to the launch of a new Apple product.
‘I was living in a stamp shop in Tucson, Arizona when I got a phone call from Jobs. There wasn’t much chit chat and he told me he had booked a flight for me to come to San Francisco and that I was staying at a hotel where his chauffeur would pick me up.
‘There was no ‘Hello’ and I wondered if there was an ulterior motive.’
Wayne attended the event, then spent some time with Wozniak and Jobs, chatting about ‘absolutely nothing.’
Temperamental genius: Wayne and Jobs couldn't see eye-to-eye on business matters but after Wayne left Apple, Jobs turned it into a billion-dollar companyTemperamental genius: Wayne and Jobs couldn’t see eye-to-eye on business matters but after Wayne left Apple, Jobs turned it into a billion-dollar company
‘Then, Jobs said: “Great seeing you again.” It was like, don’t let the door kick you in the ass on the way out, and I was back in Tucson thinking, what the hell was that about?’
Wayne waited in vain to find out why he was invited to the launch, but he never heard from Jobs again.
He was left shocked in 2011 when Steve Jobs’ authorized biography revealed a private discussion between Wayne and Jobs regarding his sexuality.
‘I understand I was outed in his book,’ Wayne says.
‘I didn’t read the book and I don’t know the context, but I don’t think he fully understood the implications of expressing this understanding. I’m sure it wasn’t vindictive, but I was taken aback by it.’
The new biopic of Steve Jobs’ life features Ashton Kutcher in the title role. Ron says the film’s protagonist looks like a young Jobs – but he has no idea who Kutcher is.
 I have heard the title Two And A Half Men but no more. I am sorry. I am an anachronism.’
The film’s producers appear to have left Wayne out of the Jobs adventure, though.
‘Typical. I am, after all, the unknown founder. But it’s not unreasonable.’
Following the loss of his life’s fortune, Wayne moved to a small mobile home in Pahrump, Nevada where he enjoys days working on design ideas and watching old British dramas like Rumpole Of The Bailey.
‘I built a modern slot machine with the old mechanical feel of the old slot machines, where users hear the crash of coins when they win. My idea was to put 40 machines together in the corner of a casino to relive what it was like to gamble in the 1920s.
‘If I could I would do it today – if someone would help fund the project.