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Sunday 11 August 2013

Jealous rage: Woman almost bites off police officer’s genitals

A police officer in Ndola is nursing serious injuries after his genital organ was nearly ripped off by his wife after a fight in Chifubu Police Camp.
And the condition of Ndola magistrate Ben Akende, who was stabbed by his wife after a domestic dispute, is stable.
The police officer, who has been identified as Douglas Muyangwe from the mobile police unit, sustained a deep cut on his organ and has since been taken to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka for specialist treatment.
Though Copperbelt police chief Mary Tembo declined to comment on the matter, Ndola Central Hospital spokesperson Sheona Chalimbana confirmed that Mr Muyangwe had been referred to UTH.
Mr Muyangwe reported the matter to Chifubu Police Station where it was recorded that he had a deep cut suspected to have been caused by human teeth.
According to an eyewitness who declined to be named, Mr Muyangwe was having a drink at Chifubu Police Club where he was followed by his wife, Anastasia.
While there, Anastasia saw his husband’s former girlfriend also drinking from the same club, a move which prompted the reaction and a fight erupted with her husband.
Despite being restrained by some onlookers, Anastasia reached for her husband’s private parts before some people managed to separate them as the man bled profusely.
Mr Muyangwe was taken to Ndola Central Hospital in blood-stained trousers and was later referred to UTH.
UTH spokesperson Mwenya Mulenga said he was not aware about the case as he was out of town.
Meanwhile, Magistrate Akende who was stabbed by his wife Getrude after a domestic quarrel is stable.
Ms Chalimbana confirmed in Ndola yesterday that Mr Akende was admitted to the acute award.
“Mr Akende’s condition is stable and is admitted to the acute (ward),” she said.
Mr Akende, 51, was stabbed twice in his chest and stomach by his wife on Thursday during a quarrel at their home in Kansenshi residential area in Ndola.
Ndola District investigations officer Martin Chilando, who confirmed the incident on Friday, said the fight started around 23:00 hours, while other family members were sleeping. The magistrate shouted for help and rescued by his nephew.
His wife Getrude has been detained at Kansenshi Police Station and was expected to be charged with unlawful wounding.
Ms Akende sustained some injuries on the forehead and chest and was also expected to go for medical treatment yesterday.

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